Handling large responses from APIs in Python can be challenging, especially when dealing with substantial amounts of data. Here are some strategies to efficiently manage such scenarios: Pagination If the API supports it, use pagination to retrieve data in smaller chunks. Fetch a limited number of records per request, and then iterate through subsequent pages. This approach prevents overwhelming your system with a massive response all at once. import requests def fetch_data_from_api ( url , page_size = 50 ): all_data = [] page = 1 while True : response = requests . get ( url , params ={ " page " : page , " per_page " : page_size }) if not response . ok : break data = response . json () all_data . extend ( data ) page += 1 return all_data # Example usage: api_url = " https://spmeapi.abc.com/invoices " result = fetch_data_from_api ( api_url ) print ( result ) Asynchro
This blog is all about my technical learnings pertaining to LLM, OpenAI, Azure OpenAI, C#, Azure, Python, AI, ML, Visual Studio Code and many more.