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Showing posts with the label Assembly

WPF Error: IOException - Cannot locate resource

Recently I worked on a WPF application which supports localization using LocBAML tool. I created a sample application, having a very simple UI, consist of a button inside a window. Here I am assuming that most of you are aware on how to generate satellite assemblies. So, quickly coming to the point, when I build my application, build was successful. But when I launched, my application crashed with reason stated as IOException :( After spending almost an hour, I came to know that it was due to Culture settings. Let's have a look at my code first: Apart from this above code, I also updated my project file (.csproj) for development language so that my satellite assembly contains the neutral language resources. Following line was added in the project file: <UICulture>en-US</UICulture> Apart from this, I did nothing special in my app. After hitting my head on msdn, I got an idea on why culture changes was causing an exception. Well, n