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Making a call to Retail Server APIs

This article will talk about how to make a call to Retail APIs (non anonymous )  and what all information is required to get the response. I started by generating the access token using username-password flow and obviously the client id as shown in below image: Then I tried to make a call to an API using Postman as shown below: And here is the 401 Unauthorized error ☹ and the reason is -  Microsoft_Dynamics_Commerce_Runtime_DeviceTokenNotPresen t After spending hours, I got to know that Retail APIs  can’t be called just by passing the access token. In order to make API call successful, there is one additional information ‘ devicetoken ’, which needs to be sent.  Now where to pass this information? Well, fortunately I was able to figure it out. This devicetoken  has to be passed as an header while making API call as shown below: Once device token is passed, I received the expected response from the API.  Hope I saved your hours