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Showing posts from May, 2021

Creating Virtual Environment for Python from VS Code

When we are talking about a term environment along with Python, it is a context in which our Python application runs, or we can say that the Python program runs.   An environment consists of an interpreter and all the installed packages, which clearly means that one can have multiple environments on a single machine, or rather I would say, every Python application can have its own environment. Now the question is, why do we need such environments?   To know more about the virtual environment and how to create one using Visual Studio Code, watch out my recorded video on my YouTube channel named Shweta Lodha.

Chat Application using Azure Web PubSub Service (Preview)

Azure Web PubSub service, as its name says, it is based on publish-subscribe pattern and enables us to build real-time web applications.  Some of the popular examples where we can use this service is, for any chat-based applications, any collaboration application, like white boarding application. We can also use this service for any application which needs instant push notifications. In fact, there are many more example, we can think about.  The best part is, we can use Azure Web PubSub service on all the platforms which supports WebSocket APIs and it allows up to 100 thousand concurrent connections at any point of time. Components required to create a basic chat application: Instance of Azure Web PubSub Service Publisher application Subscriber application To know about how to create and use these components, I’ve created a complete video demonstrating these on my YouTube channel named Shweta Lodha. C# Code for Publisher and Subscriber: Below is the C# code for the respective