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Showing posts with the label appsettings.json

All About Appsettings.json in ASP.NET Core 2.0

As most of you are aware that in ASP.Net Core, we don't have anything called Web.Config, where we use to write our connection strings or application specific settings. Rather, here we have the file named appsettings.json to store similar sort of information. There are few very common use cases where we need to maintain multiple appsettings.json file in a single solution. For example: Multiple application settings per application - When we need to maintain different-different application specific settings based on the application environment. Say, one can have one type of application settings for Development, another type of application settings for Production, another one for Staging, and so on. Needless to mention, all the appsettings file will have different names. To implement inheritance – If there are some common settings between multiple application settings file, in that case developer can come up with a base application settings file and on top of that specific file ...