When dealing with multiple CSV files having different columns, it’s essential to have an efficient method for querying and extracting relevant information. Azure OpenAI and LangChain provide a robust combination for handling such scenarios. In this article, we’ll explore how to load multiple CSV files, process them, and ask questions across all of them. Let’s get started by installing the required packages. Install Required Packages Here are the ones which you need to install: ! pip install openai ! pip install langchain ! pip install pandas ! pip install langchain_experimental ! pip install langchain_openai ! pip install tabulate Import Required Packages Here are the packages which we need to import to get started: from langchain_openai import AzureOpenAI from langchain_experimental.agents import create_csv_agent Read Configuration First of all, we need to set few variables with information from Azure portal and Azure OpenAI Studio : api_type = "azure" api_base = "
This blog is all about my technical learnings pertaining to LLM, OpenAI, Azure OpenAI, C#, Azure, Python, AI, ML, Visual Studio Code and many more.