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Showing posts with the label Microsoft Graph API

Azure App Registration and Microsoft Graph API

As part of Sip and Learn series, this time I covered a very interesting topic – App registration for Microsoft Graph API in AAD. Here you will get to know how to do application registration using Azure portal and what all permissions need to be given to call particular type of API. If this topic is of use to you, do view this episode on my YouTube channel named Shweta Lodha.

Using Postman to interact with Microsoft Graph API

I have added another episode to my technical series on my YouTube channel named Shweta Lodha . It covers the topic, how one can play with Postman for Microsoft Graph API. I also mentioned about how one can generate bearer token and what all header fields are necessary to make an API call. You can watch complete episode over there.

Providing Admin Consent to Azure Registered Application

It has been a while since I drafted anything. So, all these times, I was busy learning new things, which includes Dynamics 365, Graph API, MS Teams, some of the Azure services and much more.  Basically, this entire tenure was full of ups and downs where some things went very smooth and some things took many hours to get sorted. But now, I am back with so much on my plate and of course my next few posts would be majorly on troubleshooting part and how-tos. May be, there would be similar solutions which you may find on the internet, but I would still love to add it on my own blogger with my own findings for my own future references. With all this, let us get started with our first troubleshooting tip. Background The requirement was about adding a new Task in Planner , which is part of Office 365 . Now for any adding Task , we have to traverse through Groups , then Bucket and then inside any defined Bucket we can create a Task .  In order to perform all these, au