Two things play a very significant role in any application development, and those are application’s footprint and performance. Whenever I’m asked to work on these two tracks, I used to visit a huge list of sites to get many more ideas apart from what I already know. So, I thought, why can’t I collate all the good points and add them to my repository. At the same time, I thought of sharing those points in this blog. Rather than making this blog post full of theory, I’m planning to make it simple by just adding the bullet points. Uhh! Enough of gossip. Let’s get started by going through some common and important rules. Create object only when it is really required More the objects lesser the performance :( Grab resources, use them and release at the earliest Default capacity of StringBuilder is 16. So, if you want to store less than 16 values then make sure to set the capacity. Avoid unnecessary boxing and unboxing Prefer lazy loading Use Static variables cautiously