In this article, I’ll show you how you can use your locally stored text files to get response using GPT-3 . You can ask questions and get response like ChatGPT . On technology front, we will be using: OpenAI Langchain Python Input files You can take bunch of text files and store them in a directory on your local machine. I’ve grabbed input data from here and created 5 text files. My files are all about ‘ Cause And Effect Of Homelessness ’ and are placed in a directory named Store. Import Required Packages As we are using Python , let’s go ahead and import the required packages. If you do not have above packages installed on your machine, then please go ahead and install these packages before importing. Once required packages are imported, we need to get OpenAI API key. Get OpenAI API Key To get the OpenAI key, you need to go to, login and then grab the keys using highlighted way: Once you got the key, set that inside an environment variable(I’m using Windows). ...