What is CDN? CDN is short for Content Delivery Network. A CDN in simple terms is a collection of servers that are spread across the globe. In other words, a CDN is a network of servers in which each request will go to the closest server. Why Do We Need CDN? For any web application, data can be categorized into either static or dynamic content. Dynamic content is the one which generally comes from a database. Static content is the one like CSS, images, JavaScript, flash files, video files, etc. Now one may ask, how are requests served when a user enters an URL in the browser? Interesting… let’s take a look at it. Before knowing a CDN and its usage, it is very important to understand this process. How is a Web Page Served? When a client requests any URL, let’s say www.google.com in the browser, there is a server configured to listen to any request that comes in for www.google.com . A server in turn performs some computations and sends raw HTML back to the client. Raw HTML
This blog is all about my technical learnings pertaining to LLM, OpenAI, Azure OpenAI, C#, Azure, Python, AI, ML, Visual Studio Code and many more.