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Getting Started with Reading Text from an Image using Azure Cognitive Services

In this article, we will learn about how we can read or extract text from an image, irrespective of whether it is handwritten or printed. In order to read the text, two things come into the picture. The first one is  Computer Vision  and the second one is  NLP , which is short for Natural Language Processing. Computer vision helps us to read the text and then NLP is used to make sense of that identified text. In this article, I’ll mention specifically about text extraction part. How Computer Vision Performs Text Extraction To execute this text extraction task, Computer Vision provides us with two APIs: OCR API Read API OCR API,  works with many languages and is very well suited for relatively small text but if you have so much text in any image or say text-dominated image, then  Read API  is your option. OCR API  provides information in the form of Regions, Lines, and Words. The region in the given image is the area that contains the text. So, the output hierarchy would