In my previous posts I tried to transcribe the things that were not too obvious for me when I initially started working on Kusto Query Language. Continuing with the same thought, this time I’m going to share a few of the approaches that can be taken to aggregate the data.
Let’s consider the below input data:
- let demoData = datatable(Environment: string, Version:int, BugCount:int)
- [
- "dev",1, 1,
- "test",1, 1,
- "prod",1, 1,
- "dev",2, 2,
- "test",2, 0,
- "dev",3, 2,
- "test",3, 0,
- "prod",2,2,
- ];
Get the average number of bugs falling under each category.
Expected Output
There are several approaches to achieve this.
Partition operator first partitions the input data with defined criteria and then combines all the results.
- demoData| partition by Environment (summarize ceiling(avg(BugCount)) by Environment);
Join merges the two tables based on the specified key.
Lookup operator extends the column of the second table and looks up the values in the first one.
- let Averages = demoData
- | summarize ceiling(avg(BugCount)) by Environment;
- demoData | lookup (Averages) on Environment
- | project Environment, avg_BugCount
- | distinct Environment,avg_BugCount
I hope you enjoyed aggregating data.
Happy Kustoing!
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